Version 2 of the CoreStream Platform is launched!

23 Feb

Version 2 of the CoreStream Platform has been successfully launched during January 2014.  The new version has integrated several new features, including:

  • A flexible workflow component that can be rapidly configured to support all manner of worklow processes from business case or marketing asset approval to reporting supplier nonconformities and approving holiday or expense requests.  All your worklow processes in one place!
  • The ability to disseminate GRC content (policies, risks, processes/procedures) to relevant stakeholder groups, creating a tailored portal for each user.  No search time and demonstrable proof that GRC content is being consumed by relevant groups.
  • Automating the creation of review tasks to ensure that content owners (e.g policy authors) are set tasks to periodically review their content and ensure it is remains relevant.

To arrange your free demonstration, please contact CoreStream on or 020 7100 4378.